• icon(+250) 788 511 351
  • iconinfo@apicur.ac.rw

Choose Your prefered trade/option.

We have the following trade in TSS Program: Building Construction, Computer System and Archtecture, Software Development and Tourism. In Rwanda Basic Education Program wehave; O Level (Troncommin), A Level in Accounting.

We are at high standard in Technical Schools

Bebause here at Lycée de RUHENGERI APICUR TSS, We values the true Education. All trainers benefit from diferent trades in our school.

About us

Welcome at Lycée de RUHENGERI APICUR

Our vision is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long tranees, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practise the core values of the school: respect, tolerance & inclusion, and excellence.

We are indeed privileged to be in a position to make a contribution towards the intellectual and social development of the youth of our nation Rwanda.

The growth of any nation lies in the hands of the young generation and the responsibility to mould them into useful citizens is on us, the adult generation.

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Next important events



When you enroll in our school, you mast have the previous school reports and well filled trainee files from the previous school for L4 and L5 Students. For Senior One, Senior four and L3 Students they mast have passed National exams. And the have to bring their result slip as proof of National exams result.

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Online Application

To enroll in our school, you are required to start here online fill the form given to you even though, most students feel highly stressed and anxious about their online application because most of them feel lost and don’t even know how to start their application but Luckily, we are here to help you to the end

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Our School Trades / Options

Our Trades or Options